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European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism_

The European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism (EUFORPP) is a forum created by five European business schools to foster ground-breaking research with paradoxical and pluralistic perspectives to provide solutions to social tension


EUFORPP partners:


Nova School of Business and Economics  (Portugal) leading partner

BAYES Business School (formerly CASS)  (United Kingdom)

Geneva School of Economics and Management (Switzerland)

LUISS Guido Carli (Italy) 

Rotterdam School of Management  (The Netherlands)




This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856688


Professor of Organization Studies at NOVA SBE. His main research focuses on the paradoxes of organizing, the virtuous and toxic leadership, the unfolding of positive and genocidal forms of organization.


Professor of Strategic Management at CASS BS. Her research focuses on the practice of strategy and markets in complex and pluralistic contexts, particularly those involving financial risk. 


Professor of Strategy at GSEM. His research focuses on how large firms cope with the tensions between stability and change in their corporate development.  


Professor of Organization Studies at LUISS. His research interests are focused on organization design using qualitative, quantitative, and simulative approaches of positive and genocidal forms of organization. 


Professor of Human Resource Management. His areas of expertise include human resource management, leadership and leadership development, positive organizational scholarship, and measurement development.


EUFORPP SteeringCommittee

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Leadership for Impact (LFI) is Knowledge Center based at Nova SBE dedicated to make a change in societal grand challenges: an ambitious objective that is worth taking. That's why we focus on positive leadership research, knowledge and insights that drive society towards progress and join forces with key partners. How? By conducting social innovation projects and spreading the word that we need to take action for a better and more sustainable world. 



Leveraging Tensions is a website with the goal to enable academics, leaders and consultants to more effectively address organizational and social tensions. To do so, this website disseminates information, generate questions, facilitates conversation and build community to help scholars and leaders better understand and address organizational paradoxes.



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